On Sunday Evening, March 1, 2015 at 8:55 p.m., at our home, Buddy called my name as he began his flight into Glory to be with his Lord. I was stunned as I heard my name called, since he had not been able to speak for several hours — but taking two or three steps to his bedside — I realized that he was gone and he had wanted me to know.
Buddy was an awesome man of God and lived it well. You could talk bad about him, hate him and persecute him, but if you were anywhere around, he would make a beeline to give you a hug. He was a wonderful Bible teacher who studied to show himself approved by God, a workman who needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. An anointed musician and singer, he loved worship. Buddy definitely believed that true worship was and is returning to the church before the return of Christ, as David's Tabernacle is being restored.
Buddy's Book signing.

In 2013 he finished his manuscript for a book he felt instructed by God to write. He had been experiencing some physical problems for about a year and half, but that last year he felt divinely compelled to work through his manuscript’s editing and layout, even in the midst of his physical suffering.
Published in early December 2014, his book, “They Called Us a Cult,” is autobiographical. It is an awesome, anointed account: well-written, easy to read, uplifting and full of truth. So many testimonies have been shared with us during his final months, as well as after his passing on, of people not being able to put it down once they began to read. One lady said of his book, "It makes me want to have a relationship with God."
We were believing God for Buddy’s complete healing here on Earth, as we so much believe in miracles and have personally seen so many of them. Nonetheless, Buddy got very tired during the fierce, protracted battle waged against him and was ready to go home to be with his heavenly Father. We all rejoice for him, because we know that he is no longer suffering, we take eternal comfort in the knowledge Buddy is in the presence of the Lord Jesus.
For The River of Life Worship Center, and for me life goes on, to the Glory of God. We will work and worship ‘till Jesus Comes!
Maude Dawson
The River of Life Worship Center

To obtain a copy of Buddy's book:
Contact the church office or
Click on the image of the book or
Click the link below to order from Amazon.com:
Buddy Dawson 1946 - 2015
In Memory of Our Beloved Pastor and My Husband